Hi, I'm Natalie
Your Hypermobile Personal Trainer
My name is Natalie & I am a NASM Certified Personal Trainer dedicated to helping hypermobile clients make sustainable changes and improve quality of life through movement. I have plenty of experience in gaining muscle size and strength, but since learning of my own hypermobility & figuring out how to train specific to my body- I now specialize in functional training & work with strictly hypermobile clients who are dealing with recurring/past injuries, arthritis, low bodily awareness, chronic pain & fatigue and other issues affecting day to day life. I’m here to help you understand how to work with your body to feel better, stronger, have less pain and achieve your goals!

If no one else can help you, YOU will.
I am incredibly passionate when it comes to spreading awareness around hypermobility & all the systemic issues related to, while simultaneously helping improve lives through movement & understanding. We may not be able to totally "cure" ourselves, but we do have some power over our situation- especially when it comes to how we are moving & the type of movement we choose.
First, fitness began separating me from a life of binge drinking & an incredibly toxic relationship with alcohol. I began lifting for my mental health & for aesthetic. After years of lifting heavy without much intention or understanding my body, (seemingly) sudden autoimmune issues stopped me in my tracks. Developing systemic arthritis, tendinitis, bursitis, cartilage tearing, etc. without getting any answers & constantly hearing "great news, test results are normal" when whatever was going on with me was anything but "normal" had me feeling hopeless. This led me down what I believe to be my life path as I began learning about hypermobility & how it can REALLY affect people.
I was first informed I have hypermobility in some joints in 2023 by a few doctors while bouncing from specialty to specialty trying to figure out what was going on. My last rheumatologist slapped me with Fibromyalgia so fast my head spun & said hypermobility was "exasperating my symptoms" without even mentioning EDS/HSD. When asking how to deal with this hypermobility, I was told there is "no cure" & "nothing I could do about it." I have since made it my mission to defy that statement.
Once I was in so much pain, it was time to reroute and focus on functional training. Learning about hypermobility & how to train specific to my body/problems was a game changer. By now it has become my passion & I put all my energy into learning nonstop. Each person is different, has different bodily proportions/anatomy which can change training methods, as well as different imbalances, etc. This should reflect in each person’s training plan. If you are looking to gain strength, confidence, resilience, and move better with less pain, I’m your trainer!
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Work with me personally
Work with me 1 on 1 while I create a customized 4 week training plan specific to you. We may be similar, but we all have different deficits, comorbidities, tolerance to exercise & injuries we are working through. Includes custom workouts for the gym or home specific to your needs. I provide video tutorials for each exercise which I record myself using my favorite hypermobile-specific cues, messaging with me via app where you can ask any questions you might have (I like to communicate through voice message so it's more personal), check-ins, form review, and more! One time payment- which means NO subscription/commitment necessary. I would love for you to continue, but I want you to always have that choice! This is very hands on & attentive!
Making learning accessible
I want to make learning + implementing tools to understand & work with hypermobile bodies easily accessible. This is why I have created this page FULL of helpful info for the lowest price I could manage. Of course, each of us are different- but I have found that we still have SO many similarities and certain tricks + methods of training can be beneficial to the majority of us. Here I give adjustable full workouts for all levels, high fatigue days, and lots of exercise tutorials for specific gentle exercises that can help with common problem areas like hips, knees, shoulders, etc. I include workouts with zero equipment that you can do from your couch. Follow along with me as I blog about my journey- my own experiences, things that have helped me, some of my own workouts, even some of my favorite gluten and dairy free low effort snacks & meals as well as supplements I have found personally helpful. Sharing my knowledge with you as I learn & connecting the hypermobile community via group chat🤍
Hear What Others Have to Say
I’ve been working out for a year already with weights and HIIT. Although I was losing weight, I was always in pain. Then I found Natalie who gave it a name and it all clicked. I was hypermobile and needed to change how I workout.
Being a mum to a 4 year old and a full time nurse, my body was always achy, tired and tense. I thought it was just age (Im 36) but after working with Natalie, I don’t have my joint pains anymore and am feeling much more stable and energised.
I am on a program where I excercise 40-50mins, 3-4x a week at HOME only and it’s making more changes in my body than the last year I was doing weights at a fast HIIT pace. Natalie offers a program where you feel like you’re in physical therapy but still gain some pretty good muscles from it. Her program is hard enough to challenge you, but not scare you so you won’t want to workout anymore the next day. It helps with my consistency because I don’t dread the pain after. They say no pain, no gain but for hypermobiles like us, pain is a sign to change something. I may be sore at times (especially when I’ve had a long break), but when I do, I know it’s the right kind of sore.
Don’t get me started with mind body connection! It’s amazing how just focusing on moving the right muscles makes the movement more effective. With Natalie’s help, I feel like my strength program also becomes a mental and concentration excercise (which, quite frankly in this high mental load world is sooo important).
She is also super responsive and always there when you need help. I send her form videos for correction, and she gives feedback on how I can improve my movements so I never get injured. She’s not intimidating at all and knows how to boost morale and confidence every time.
Her program really aligns with my goals which is to stay healthy, build muscle and prevent injury in the long run. Finally, I was moving muscles I didnt know exist and when I did, much of the soreness went away.
This is the first time I’ve ever had a trainer and I’m so glad I did! It’s the best money I’ve spent for myself to be honest! So excited for a more stable, healthier version of me through Natalie’s help!
I am eternally grateful for crossing paths with Natalie, who is not only my trainer but now my dear friend. I've been struggling with debilitating chronic pain since I was a child and have been through a laundry list of diagnoses, labs, imaging, medications, therapy sessions, etc. All the medical professionals I've seen over the course of my lifetime would rather slap a Band-Aid on it and tell me l'm overexaggerating or push pills and biologic injections (with horrible side effects and black label warnings- which even after insurance coverage costs tens of thousands of dollars a month) instead of taking the time to understand that not all patients experience the same symptoms nor benefit from the same treatments. Instead of being put in a category with a one size fits all "solution", Natalie understands that the hypermobile community shares a
spectrum of symptoms which in turn requires personalized plans to optimize the best benefits and results for each person specifically while helping them reach their fitness goals.
Natalie has experienced her own struggles with hypermobility and chronic pain, so she genuinely understands how to help this community (and of course the normies, too). She dedicates herself to making her clients feel validated while simultaneously inspiring us to stay focused and consistent; always understanding if we need an extra rest day. I am so excited to continue to work with Natalie and watch her help so many others live less painful, more functional lives with quality of life as the primary component. Natalie has helped me beyond the decades of schooling and degrees and titles of the specialists l've spent my entire life paying thousands of dollars for. Her wisdom, compassion, encouragement and dedication are evident, and I am so excited to continue building strength and confidence for the most magical day of my life this September (and the rest of my days thereafter). Natalie, I will never find the words to properly thank you for everything you’ve done for me, my hypermobile angel; but at the very least, thank you!!!
I’ve done 2 months with Natalie so far and felt the recruitment of muscles I’ve struggled to get working before. I feel so much more stable - I have had a reduction in hip pain when walking simply because of the specificity of the exercises I am now doing. Natalie is so helpful if I struggle, and provides great feedback for form which always helps.